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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Microbes and Obesity ?!

A truly facininating side to the obesity story is the relationship of gut flora to potential weight gain. Many believe that having an abnormal balance of gut bacteria can contribute to obesity through a multitude of mechanisms. One of the simplest explanations is that gut bacteria allow for more substrates (e.g. glucose or fatty acids) to be absorbed. Here is a summary of a recent study that came out in the JCEM: The question that I always have is, are we looking at the chicken or the egg? Or does being obese eventually change your gut microbes? What we need is a study that can track people closely both before, during, and after developing obesity. Maybe then we can see a significant change in flora that precedes the obesity.

Just my thoughts...

New Era

The new era of this blog has begun! Since I am training to become a physician that specializes in childhood obesity, I will try and share new an exciting news on that front whenever I can. I will kick things off with a bit of good news. Apparently, some rates of childhood obesity are starting to fall, but I don't think that it is time to let our guard down. The fact of the matter is that we have only begin to scrape the surface of the obesity problem from the policy side and sadly there are few option on the "drug side." So, I guess that leaves diet and exercise right?